Annual Action Plan 2023-2024

The draft plan was presented to Council at its monthly meeting on 27 February 2023. The document was open for community feedback for 4 weeks in March. Submissions will be collated and a report to Council prepared for them to consider. Council will then approve a final version, and use the document throughout the financial year to help guide its priorities, projects and activities.

The Annual Action Plan is an important feature of Council’s ongoing commitment to good governance, by promoting accountability and transparency through community engagement.

About the Annual Action Plan

This one-year plan is renewed annually, and sits within a broader framework set by Council’s four-year Council Plan (including the Health and Wellbeing Plan), and its twenty-year Community Vision.

The Council Plan and Community Vision were developed through deliberations and consultation with a Community Panel in 2021, and may be viewed on Council’s Publications page.

The draft AAP was developed in consultation with councillors, management and staff. It identifies actions that align to the priorities and initiatives in our Council Plan, and sets out performance measures and expected timeframes.