You can ask for any documents held by Council, however, we are not able to provide some documents as they (or parts thereof) may be exempt under the FOI Act for personal or business reasons.
Examples include:
Some internal working documents
Law enforcement documents
Legal advice
Personal information about other people
Confidential matters considered by Council
Documents covered by secrecy provisions in other legislation.
Where a decision is made to refuse or defer access, you will be notified in writing of the reasons for denial/deferral. If you are not satisfied with the reasons, you can seek a review from the Victorian Information Commissioner.
Your application may be refused if it is considered to be "voluminous in nature", in that it would interfere unreasonably with the operations or performance of Council.
Before submitting your request, ring the FOI Officer on (03) 5382 9777 or email to discuss what you are after, how you want it, fees and charges, timelines, consultation with third parties and exempt documents. Council makes a lot of documents available to the public already.
Documents available for public inspection