
House on the Wimmera River.jpg


All municipalities in Victoria are revalued every year.  All properties in Horsham Rural City Council were revalued during 2024 by a Contract Valuer appointed to Council by Valuer-General Victoria at a level of value date of 1 January 2024.

Three values have been returned by Council's Valuer for each property as follows:

  • Site Value - being the value of the land only, disregarding most improvements, but having regard to surrounding development.
  • Capital Improved Value – being the value of the land, together with buildings and other improvements, thus being directly related to the market value of the land at the level of value date of 1 January 2024.  This valuation does not include chattels or furniture and fittings.
  • Net Annual Value - being the estimated annual rental value of the land (less certain expenses) except for farms and owner occupied dwellings, in which case the Net Annual Value is fixed at 5% of the Capital Improved Value.

See Valuation of Land Act 1960 for the complete definitions.

The Contract Valuer appointed to Council by Valuer-General Victoria is also required to make supplementary valuations from time to time for changes to properties resulting from sales in subdivisions, construction or demolition of buildings and splits or consolidation of properties, as well as other changes affecting values.  These supplementary valuations are applied from when the changes were effected, using the same level of value date of 1 January 2024, following which rates for the year are recalculated and ratepayers advised.

Please note that other Authorities may use one or more of these base values for the purposes of a rate or tax levied by that Authority.  One of these is the State Revenue Office, which levies Land Tax on some properties. 

Objections to Valuations

Once a ratepayer receives their rate notice, issued in August each year, they will be able to query their valuation either by submitting the form below (please note this this is not classified as a formal objection)

Query a property valuation

Rating Valuation Objections Portal

or by contacting the rates department on 03 5382 9777. If the rates department are unable to assist the ratepayer with their query, they will forward the query to the Valuer appointed to undertake the valuation on behalf of the Valuer-General Victoria.

If after speaking with Council and/or the Valuer you still believe that your valuation is incorrect, you may lodge a formal objection with Council within two months of the date of issue on your rate notice. This two month time frame to object also applies to notices received after supplementary valuations.

An objection can be lodged using the online Rating Valuation Objections Portal, by completing one of the appropriate objection forms listed below, or by contacting Council on 03 5382 9777.

Residential Valuation Objection Form(PDF, 338KB)

Rural Valuation Objection Form(PDF, 338KB)

Commercial/Industrial Valuation Objection Form(PDF, 343KB)

Please note that all rates levied must be paid by the due date pending an outcome of an objection.