Funding available for not-for-profit community groups
Community Grants Program
Published on 30 July 2021
Council is proud of the fact it is moving ahead with the revitalisation of Horsham’s riverfront. The community has for a long time told us that capitalising on our natural assets is what is needed to help make our regional city a better place to live and visit. It is exciting that some City to River projects are already underway. This includes 1.1 kilometres of new shared riverfront pathways. Works to improve public amenities are also about to start at Dixon Drive, between Sawyer Park and the Horsham Riverside Caravan Park. Earlier this week, this project was the subject of misreporting regarding its cost. Yes, the costings for public toilets and barbecue shelters at Dixon Drive has increased since conceptual drawings moved into the detailed design and tendering stage. But not threefold as reported. Thanks to an additional grant of $104,510 grant from Sustainability Victoria, the overall funds available for the Stage 1 City to River project is now $3.1 million. The changes to the allocated individual items within the budget has not resulted in an increase in cost to the overall budget of $3.1 million. Our community has been fortunate to attract funding support from the Federal and State Governments. All up, the Commonwealth is contributing $1.65 million, the Victorian Government is providing $604,000 and Council has budgeted for $850,000.