Council Plan

Council Plan 2021 2025 Image

The Council Plan 2021-2025 guides what Council does and how they do it over a four-year period.

It is a key strategic document describing Council’s and the community’s vision for the future, where and how Council will focus its efforts over the four year period and how it will measure progress as it strives towards that vision. The plan now also integrates the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan and outlines how Council will safeguard, improve and promote the health and wellbeing of the residents within the municipality. 

The Council Plan is the result of deliberative engagement with an extensive cross-section of the community. These engagement processes have brought the voice of the community to Council, identifying challenges and opportunities and outlining objectives, strategies, and initiatives to deliver change and positive improvement to the Horsham Rural City municipality.  

Download the Council Plan 2021-2025(PDF, 6MB)  which was adopted in October 2021. 


The Council Plan Strategies, Initiatives and Priorities are measured and reported to Council and the community through quarterly reporting and the Annual Report at the end of each financial year. The health and wellbeing elements will be reviewed as part of this process. 

Health and Wellbeing

The Health and Wellbeing Plan has been integrated into the Council  Plan for the first time in 2021. Horsham Rural City Council understands the health and wellbeing of our community underpins all that we do. As such, Council has undertaken to integrate the Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan into the Council Plan in 2021 in accordance with Section 26 of the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008. This approach recognises both the important role and natural alignment of health and wellbeing in all aspects of Council work along with the increase in efficiency of planning processes. 

The specific annual health and wellbeing actions(PDF, 456KB) were developed through stakeholder workshops. 

Key data informing the health and wellbeing planning process can be viewed can be found in the supporting documents below and via the demographics page.