Fire permit applications now online

Published on 10 December 2020


Several key agencies have joined forces to create a one-stop-shop for all fire permit applications, just in time for the summer fire season.

The new Fire Permits Victoria website was launched on Monday 30 November, and allows people from across Victoria to submit and manage fire permit applications in a more streamlined process during the Declared Fire Ban period, and for Total Fire Ban days that fall outside of the Declared Fire Ban Period.

The new system provides fire agencies, including the CFA, Fire Rescue Victoria and Forest Fire Mangement Victoria (FFV) enhanced data capture capacity and the ability to manage fire risk in a more efficient and effective way.

Residents and businesses using fire or heat sources (such as catering, fireworks or welding) can also use the website to check if they need a fire permit, notify authorities that they are using a permit and register burn-offs when fire restrictions are not in place.

The new website also directs people to a list of FAQ’s, and a useful CFA ‘can I can’t I’ list of examples for those who are unsure about what they can and can’t do on a day of total fire ban or during the fire danger period. 

People can still make fire permit applications in person by visiting their local CFA, DELWP and FFV office.

Council fire permits are still required when lighting up outside of the Declared Fire Ban Period.

To access the new website people can visit

Image: Call Me Fred on Unsplash
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