Horsham residents invited to have their say on bike and shared paths
Published on 08 February 2024
Horsham Rural City Council is seeking community feedback on the draft Horsham Bicycle and Shared Paths Infrastructure Plan, which aims to improve the safety, connectivity and accessibility of the city’s cycling and walking network.
The draft plan, which was developed in consultation with key stakeholders and user groups, identifies existing and potential routes for bike and shared paths, as well as priority projects and actions to enhance the network over the next 10 years.
Mayor Robyn Gulline said the plan was an important document that would guide Council’s planning and investment in active transport infrastructure.
“We want to encourage more people to cycle and walk in Horsham, whether it’s for recreation, health, social or environmental reasons, or to access services, facilities and destinations,” Cr Gulline said.
“Bike and shared paths are a great way to promote physical activity, reduce traffic congestion and emissions, and improve the liveability and attractiveness of our city.”
Cr Gulline said Council was keen to hear from the community about their views and experiences of using the existing bike and shared paths, as well as their suggestions and priorities for future improvements.
“We want to know what you like and don’t like about the current network, where you would like to see new or upgraded paths, and what barriers or challenges you face when cycling or walking in Horsham,” she said.
“We also want to hear from people who don’t cycle or walk regularly, and what would motivate them to do so more often.”
Cr Gulline said the feedback from the community would help Council finalise the plan and ensure it reflects the needs and aspirations of the residents and visitors.
The draft plan and an online survey are available on Council’s website at haveyoursay.hrcc.vic.gov.au/horsham-bicycle-and-shared-paths until Friday, 23 February 2024.
Hard copies of the draft plan and the survey are also available at Council’s offices, Horsham Library and Horsham Aquatic Centre.
For more information, contact Council’s Recreation & Open Space Planner on (03) 5382 9777 or email council@hrcc.vic.gov.au.