Mayor and Deputy Mayor elected

Published on 17 November 2022

Councillor Group 2022.png

Cr Robyn Gulline was returned as Horsham Rural City Council’s Mayor for a third consecutive term at Thursday night’s Statutory Meeting.  

Councillors also elected Cr Penny Flynn as Deputy Mayor.

Cr Gulline was elected for a 12-month term, having previously led the Council in 2020-21 and 2021-22.

It is the first time HRCC has installed a Deputy Mayor and Cr Flynn’s term will be 12 months.

In her acceptance speech, Cr Gulline thanked her fellow Councillors along with her family, friends and HRCC staff.

“I look forward to continuing to work closely with my fellow Councillors, Council officers and the community for the benefit and betterment of our municipal community,” Cr Gulline said.

“This year will see the completion of several major capital works projects including the Nature Play Park, the Hamilton Street pedestrian bridge, the City Oval redevelopment including netball courts and facilities and electronic stage, as well as the important road and bridge repairs from the recent flood damage and wet year.”

Deputy Mayor Penny Flynn and Mayor Robyn Gulline web.png


Thank you Councillors for bestowing on me the honour of continuing to serve Council and our community as your Mayor. I will continue to represent you with grace, dignity, professionalism and humility.

I would like to thank and acknowledge the incredible support and encouragement that I have received from family, friends, my fellow Councillors, Council officers and so many community members.

Congratulations to Cr Penny Flynn on being elected Horsham Rural City Council’s first Deputy Mayor. As the role of Mayor is diverse and complex, I welcome the formal assistance that you, as Deputy Mayor, will provide.

Under the Local Government Act 2020, as well as performing the role of Councillor, the Mayor has the additional responsibilities of:

  • Chairing Council meetings
  • Being the principal spokesperson for Council
  • Leading community engagement on the Council Plan and annually reporting back to the community on its implementation
  • Assisting Councillors to understand their role
  • Promoting behaviour among Councillors that meets the standards of conduct set out in the Councillor Code of Conduct
  • Taking a leadership role in ensuring the regular review of the performance of the CEO
  • Providing advice to the CEO on setting the agenda for Council meetings, and
  • Performing civic and ceremonial duties on behalf of Council.

The Mayor leads by example, and must accept, respect and support all Council resolutions regardless of their personal opinion.

It is very important that the Mayor understands and can clearly explain the background, details, long-term consequences and financial implications of Council decisions to the community, media and government ministers.

Supporting the community by attending a wide range of events has reinforced to me the importance of listening to the diverse and often, contradictory views and opinions in our community and having comprehensive knowledge to allay concerns, educate the community with facts and dispel misinformation.

Over the past two years, it has been pleasing to regularly hear high praise for Council’s decisions and hard work in trying to raise the standard of our community facilities and infrastructure from different state and federal government ministers and to receive their funding support for our projects as we grow and develop as a regional city.

With so many job vacancies and new business expansions, investment and developments in our region, attracting and retaining residents to fill these roles is so important. Delivering our community’s 2041 vision, and improving the liveability, community, sustainability and accessibility for our community members is Council’s focus.

Council will continue to work hard for our community as we deliver our Council Plan and Annual Action Plan commitments. This year will see the completion of several major capital works projects including the City to River Nature Water Play Park and the Hamilton Street pedestrian bridge, the start of the CAD streetscape upgrades and City Oval redevelopment including netball courts and facilities and stage, as well as the important road and bridge repairs from the recent flood damage and wet year.

I look forward to continuing to work closely with my fellow Councillors, Council Officers and the community for the benefit and betterment of our municipal community.

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