New City Oval Pavilion - Frequently Asked Questions

Published on 31 January 2025

City Oval pavilion front facade artist impression.PNG

Have a query about the City Oval pavilion redevelopment? See our list frequently asked questions. 

What will be constructed and how much does it cost?

The project includes the following:

  • Demolition of the existing community facility, change rooms, kiosk, and precinct entry area.
  • Construction of a community facility seating up to 200, with accessible amenities, catering and conferencing facilities, office, and meeting space.
  • Construction of multi-purpose change rooms (AFL compliant) including two change rooms with additional amenities, two separate umpires’ change rooms with amenities, a medical room, storage, gym, and public toilet.
  • Construction of a covered concourse and veranda to create a walkway between the two buildings and an all-weather viewing area for the precinct.
  • New northwest main entry to the precinct including a food kiosk, ticket box, and landscaping.
  • New southwest entry to the precinct via the Community Facility concourse.
  • Second ticket box for south entry to the precinct (Hocking Street).

The total project budget is $9.6 million, with a $4.8 million contribution from the federal government.

Why not a double-story building?

 The existing two-storey building will be replaced with an accessible single-storey pavilion.

However, the new building will be raised and still offer high-angle views of the oval without the need for a lift. For example, people seated inside the building will be able to see over the heads of people standing on the fence line.

The overall footprint will be larger than the existing building due to the need to meet AFL-standard guidelines.



When will construction start?

Works on the project will start by the end of July 2025. However, demolition of the existing main pavilion will not happen until the end of the 2025 Wimmera League Season, including finals.

This means there will be no interruption to the coming football season.

HRCC will work with the Horsham Demons to manage playing arrangements during the 2026 season.

Cricket will be able to continue at City Oval for the 2025/2026 Horsham Cricket Association season.


What are ‘AFL compliant’ changerooms and why do we need to meet these standards?

As the governing body for Australian rules football, the AFL produces guidelines for changerooms at various levels, including local, regional, and state facilities.

The new City Oval changerooms will meet the AFL’s Facilities and Amenities Guidelines 2024 – this doesn’t mean that AFL will be played here (as it is not a State Facility). All Federal and State-funded projects need to comply with AFL guidelines (regional or local) to meet funding requirements.

Will the works involve widening the oval?

The current funding we have received is not for the widening of the oval. There are plans to widen the City Oval playing surface in future stages of the redevelopment. This is currently unfunded.


Will the works involve replacing the grandstand?

Not yet. There are plans to redevelop the grandstand in future stages of the redevelopment. This is currently unfunded.

Are there plans to have additional user groups at City Oval?

HRCC is open to talking to various community or sporting groups about sharing the benefits of the new facilities.


Have further questions? We are happy for anyone to reach out and answer anybody’s queries.  


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