Riverside rubbish dumper caught

Published on 28 August 2024

Rubbish dumping Riverside (web).png

A serial rubbish dumper who had been using the banks of the Wimmera River as a personal tip has been caught and fined.

The Horsham woman, 41, received a $1,976 infringement under the EPA Act Section 115(4) and will pay clean-up costs of $849.

The total fines amounted to $2,825.

The dumping occurred near the Riverside Road bridge, an area that has become a hotspot for offenders.

Illegal dumping of litter costs the Horsham Rural City Council tens of thousands of dollars a year, a cost burdened by the ratepayers.

Unfortunately, much of the rubbish ends up in our waterways.

HRCC believes there are several repeat offenders in Horsham.

The council encourages people with information that can help catch and hold rubbish dumpers to account to call 53829777.

The cost of tipping general waste at transfer stations starts at $19, and many items are recycled at no cost to the resident.

Items that can be disposed of for free:

  • Batteries
  • eWaste
  • Fluorescent lights
  • Gas cylinders under 9kgs
  • Cardboard
  • Glass containers
  • Household and motor oil
  • Paint
  • Polystyrene
  • Whitegoods
  • Scrap metal
  • DrumMuster (drums must be triple rinsed)
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