Road resealing works this weekend

Published on 18 January 2024


Major road works are being undertaken over the coming weekend across Horsham, keeping with Horsham Rural City Council’s continued commitment to maintaining and improving Horsham’s 144 kilometers of sealed urban roadways.

As a result of these works, the following roads will be closed for general traffic and streetside parking will be unavailable for:

  • Baillie Street, intersection with Churchill Road
  • Pynsent Street, between Firebrace Street and Urquhart Street.

Minimal access will be provided for residents, businesses and emergency services.

Works will start at 12pm on Saturday 20 January and will resume at 7am on Sunday 21 January. Work is expected to be completed on Sunday 21 January.

Continual investment in the maintenance and improvement of our roads is vital and we understand how important it is to our community, and our economy.


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