State election commitment tracker

Published on 18 November 2022

a very shiney train at a platform

With the 2022 state election rapidly approaching, Council has been active in its advocacy on our community’s behalf.

See below for a list of election commitments for the seat of Lowan that impact our municipality.  

Learn more about how Council is advocating on behalf of our community by viewing our Victorian Election Advocacy Priorities.

Business case for passenger rail

Lowan candidate Emma Kealy on Thursday announced that, if elected, a Nationals and Liberals Government would fund a business case for returning trains to Horsham.

HRCC has long advocated for passenger trains to service Horsham, which is one of the state’s 10 regional cities.

More: HRCC calls on Labor to match the commitment

Horsham City Oval upgrades

If elected to government, the Liberal and Nationals Government will provide $5 million to help transform Horsham City Oval into a modern multi-use community asset for generations to come.

HRCC’s vision to redevelop Horsham City Oval is part of the broader City to River Masterplan.

Projects include the expansion of the playing field, a new multi-purpose pavilion and clubrooms and covered spectator areas would be built along with a second netball court.

Find out more: City Oval upgrades

St Brigid’s College upgrade

Horsham’s St Brigid’s College will benefit from a $3 million grant to upgrade learning areas and amenities, with both Labor and Opposition committing to the project.

Under the school’s plan it will refurbish its home economics space, canteen and student amenities.


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