HRCC statement on Dyurrite Cultural Landscape Management Plan
Published on 08 November 2024
Parks Victoria has announced plans to close additional rock-climbing routes at Mount Arapiles (Dyurrite) to protect Aboriginal heritage sites.
Horsham Rural City Council (HRCC) acknowledges that it does not have a decision-making role regarding the Dyurrite Cultural Landscape Draft Management Plan.
However, HRCC may consider lodging a submission through the public feedback process during Parks Victoria’s consultation period.
The decision on whether HRCC will lodge a submission, and the nature of any submission, will be guided by the new council.
The updated draft management plan is now available for public consultation on the Engage Victoria website until December 2.
Parks Victoria will host an online community information session on the Engage Victoria website on Wednesday 13 November from 5.30pm to 7pm.