Residential Subdivision

Prior to making an application for a residential subdivision, it is essential that you understand the relevant policies and provisions applying to the land and how these affect the City's consideration of your application.

Clause 56 of the Horsham Planning Scheme (ResCode)

Clause 56 of the Horsham Planning Scheme (also known as ResCode) provides specific controls for residential subdivisions that encourage a wide range of lot sizes, gives communities a sense of identity, protects natural and cultural features and complements the existing neighbourhood.

Clause 56 (ResCode) establishes the criteria for the subdivision of land in Residential Zones and contains objectives and standards that must be addressed.

An objective describes the desired outcome to be achieved in the completed development and these must be met. A standard contains the requirements to meet the objective. All applicable standards should be met, however if Council is satisfied that an application for an alternative design solution meets the design objective, the alternative design solution may be considered.

An application for a planning permit for a residential subdivision must include a Site and Context Description and Design Response. This enables opportunities and constraints of a site to be identified and responded to in the design of the development. 

Site and Context Description

The site and context description must be drawn to scale and accurately show the following:

  • Site shape, dimensions and size
  • Orientation and contours
  • Trees and other significant vegetation
  • The siting and use of existing buildings on the site
  • Significant views to and from the site
  • Street frontage features such as poles, street trees and kerb crossovers
  • Access points
  • Drainage and infrastructure connections
  • Easements
  • Any significant natural features of the site, including drainage lines, watercourses, significant habitat and habitat corridors for the movement of fauna
  • Noise and odour sources or other external influences
  • Any other notable features or characteristics of the site.

In relation to the surrounding area:

  • The pattern of the subdivision of the surrounding area
  • Existing land uses
  • The siting and use of existing buildings on adjacent properties
  • The location and type of significant vegetation
  • Street and footpath widths, materials and detailing
  • Location, distance and characteristics of any nearby public open space
  • Direction and distances to local shops, school, community and recreational facilities
  • Directions and distances to public transport routes and stops
  • Direction and distances to existing neighbourhood, town and regional activity centres and major employment areas and their catchments
  • Existing transport routes, including freeways, arterial and sub-arterial roads and major roads connecting neighbourhoods
  • Local street network
  • Traffic volumes and movements on adjacent roads
  • Pedestrian and bicycle paths
  • Any places of natural and cultural significance.
Design Response

The design response demonstrates how the design was derived from the site analysis and responds to requirements of Clause 56. It must be submitted with an application for a planning permit for a residential subdivision

Planning Permit Application Requirements

The following details are required to be submitted with an application for residential subdivision:

  • A completed application form or submitted online via the Planning Portal.
  • A copy of Certificate of Title (Information on how to obtain this is here).
  • Site and Context Description.
  • Design response that demonstrates compliance with the provisions of Clause 56.

Council must advise the applicant that the Site and Context Description is adequate prior to the planning application being advertised or before deciding upon an application.

Professional Assistance

Given the complex nature of the controls that relate to residential subdivision and the standard of supporting documentation required, it is strongly recommended by Council that you seek assistance from a qualified town planner and licensed land surveyor to assist you to prepare your application.

Processing of proposals for residential subdivision is generally streamlined when they adequately respond to the requirements of Clause 56 and are supported by the required documentation.

Information Sheet - Residential Subdivisions(PDF, 2MB)