Small Second Dwelling
What is a small second dwelling?
A small second dwelling is a building with a gross floor area of 60 square metres or less, on the same lot as an existing dwelling and used as a self-contained residence, which must include:
- a kitchen sink;
- food preparation facilities;
- a bath or shower; and
- a toilet or wash basin.
Do I need a planning permit?
Many small second dwellings won't require a planning permit, though some will. Planning permit requirements are generally set out in the zones and overlays that apply to your land. To find out which zones and overlays apply to your land, you can enter your address after clicking this link (planning property report).
Do I need a building permit?
Yes. A building permit is always required to construct a small second dwelling. A building permit is issued under the Building Act 1993. Building permits are documents certifying that a proposed building complies with the relevant building regulations.
For further information, please read the Applicant's Guide for Small Second Dwellings below.
Applicant's Guide for Small Second Dwellings(PDF, 3MB)