Riverfront plans continue to develop

Published on 26 June 2020


User groups along the Wimmera River will continue to provide feedback on a draft concept plan for Horsham’s Riverfront before designs are released to the broader community next month.

The draft concept plan includes accessible landscaping, a natural water play area and siting for a cafe by the river.

The riverfront activation is the first part of a long term project to improve and enhance seven precincts included in the City to River Masterplan, which was adopted by Council in November last year.

The project already has a guaranteed $3 million in funding thanks to contributions from the Commonwealth and State Governments and Horsham Rural City Council.

Meanwhile Council last week applied to Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) for an additional $3 million to develop a natural water play area between Horsham Caravan Park and Horsham City Rowing Club.

If successful, the grant would be delivered as part of SRV’s one-off Community Sports Infrastructure Stimulus Program which is offering $64 million across the state.

Community Reference Group Chairman Johnny Gorton said feedback from riverfront user groups would shape the precinct’s draft concept plans.

“We want to show the draft concept plans to the wider community as soon as we can and we’ll actively seek feedback from the community to ensure the draft plan picks up on good suggestions and advice.  But first there is some ground work to be done with the key stakeholders including traditional owners and user groups located within and close by the precinct.” Mr Gorton said.

“That’s happening right now and already valuable information has been received from the rowing and angling clubs, Wimmera CMA, the miniature rail group, with additional meetings due to take place throughout July.

“These discussions will help us get to a concept plan that addresses technical, cultural, social and functional issues, prior to be taken out to the community for meaningful and valuable feedback,” he said.

More than 500 submissions were made about the river and its surrounds as part of the City to River Masterplan engagement process which has informed the landscape architects drafting of the concept plan.

The Community Reference Group was established to shape how engagement and feedback is managed.

It is made up of three community members, eight representatives from Horsham organisations and four Council staff.

“As a group we are focussed on seeking feedback from the community to make the riverfront an even more inviting place for everyone now, and for generations to come,” Mr Gorton said.

The group will provide updates about the project, its engagement plan and how the public can to provide feedback on the Draft Concept Plan through Council’s Riverfront Activation webpage, on Facebook and through Council’s in local newspapers.