Clean up after your dog or risk fine

Published on 22 October 2021

Kerryn Shade walking dog.png

Horsham Rural City Council reminds residents that they may be issued with an on-the-spot fine if they don’t remove and appropriately dispose of their dog droppings when in a public place. 

Council’s Local Law Number 3 states that a person in charge of a dog that defecates in a public place must immediately remove the faeces and deposit them as litter in a lawful manner. 

They must also have in their possession, the means to collect and dispose of their dog’s droppings. 

Manager Community Services and Safety Mandi Stewart said there had been a recent increase in dog faeces on nature strips, footpaths, parks and other public places. 

“While we acknowledge most people do the right thing we are hearing increased concerns from members of the community regarding irresponsible dog owners,” she said.

If a dog defecates in a public place and the person in charge does not immediately remove and dispose of the faeces, they face an on-the-spot fine of $75.  People not carrying a collection bag may be issued with a $50 fine.

Ms Stewart said there were several bins with bag dispensers around Horsham, particularly near dog off-leash areas. 

“We recommend that people carry two bags at all times so that they can demonstrate they have the means to collect droppings.  If you don’t have pockets, you may consider tying them to the lead.  Please respect others and abide by the rules.  If you don’t pick up your dog’s faeces, you are essentially littering,” she said. 

People are also reminded that, whilst Horsham is an on-lead town, there are several off-leash areas.  As in other public spaces, people are required to remove and appropriately dispose of their dog faeces in off-leash areas.

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