Election of the Mayor: How it works

Published on 10 November 2023

Councillor Group 2022.png

Horsham Rural City Council will elect a Mayor to lead the municipality at its Statutory Meeting on Thursday 16 November.

The 5.30pm meeting will be held in the Council Chambers. It will be open to the public to attend and also livestream on the HRCC website.

During this meeting, Council will determine three items.

  1. Mayoral term 
  2. Election of the Mayor
  3. Whether to elect a Deputy Mayor or not (and the term if applicable).

HRCC governance rules state that a written nomination form for Mayor (and Deputy Mayor) must be signed by two Councillors (may include nominee's own signature) and submitted to the Chief Executive Officer before the meeting.

If there is only one nomination, that Councillor is duly elected.

If two or more nominations are received, then Councillors must indicate their choice by raising their hand until one Councillor receives the majority vote.

In the event of a tied vote, the result will be determined by drawing lots.

The same process will be repeated if Council decides to elect a Deputy Mayor.

Meeting Agenda

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